(01716430): Blockchian(Tech, Fall 2021)

Time: Tuesday 14:00-17:00

Location: 3201, Teaching Building, Daxing

Class web site: https://huipingsun.github.io/bc202109

Class live: No

Instructor: Huiping Sun (sunhp(at)ss.pku.edu.cn)

TA: Kangjian Wei, Meilin Lv

Course Description

This course will provide an overview of relevant topics in the blockchain. On the technical side, we start with the origin, concept and state of art of blockchain, then explain the basic algorithm, supporting technology and key mechanism relating to blockchain technology. On the non-technical side, we will look at the applications, projects, communities, laws and regulations behind blockchain, then introduce challenges, problems and future trends of blockchain. By the end of this course you will understand how blockchain work.

Course Textbook and Reference

Course Schedule




Septempter 14

00. Course Overview [Slides]


Septempter 14

01. Blockchain Overview [Slides]

  • Textbook. Preface - The Long Road to Bitcoin.
  • Textbook. Charpter 1: Introduction to Cryptography & Cryptocurrencies.
  • Textbook. Charpter 2: How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization.
  • Mastering Blockchain (2nd Edition). Charpter 1: Blockchain 101.
  • Mastering Blockchain (2nd Edition). Charpter 2: Decentralization.
  • Manav Gupta. IBM Blockchain Dummies . John Wiley & Sons. 2017
  • 100 Questions of Blockchain
  • Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. 2008. [Homework]

Septempter 28

02. Bitcoin I [Slides]

October 12

03. Bitcoin II [Slides]

  • Textbook. Charpter 5: Bitcoin Mining.
  • Textbook. Charpter 7: Community, Politics, and Regulation.
  • Bitcoin Developer Guide . Bitcoin.org. 2021.
  • Lab-01: Biuld Your Demo Blockchain. [Homework]

October 19

04. Bitcoin III [Slides]

  • Mastering Bitcoin (2nd Edition). Charpter 8: The Bitcoin Network.
  • Textbook. Charpter 6: Bitcoin and Anonymity.
  • Textbook. Charpter 9: Bitcoin as a Platform.
  • Scott Ruoti, etc.Blockchain Technology: What is it Good For? . Communication of ACM. 2020. [Homework]

October 26

05. Blockchain Scalability [Slides]

November 02

06. Blockchain Application[Slides]

  • Textbook. Charpter 8: Alternative Mining Puzzles.
  • Textbook. Charpter 10: Altcoin and the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem.
  • Textbook. Charpter 11: Decentralized Institutions: The Future of Bitcoin?
  • Friedhelm Victor, etc.A Taxonomy for Distributed Ledger Analytics . IEEE Computer Magezine. 2021. [Homework]

November 09

07. Ethereum I [Slides]

  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 1: What is Ethereum?
  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 2: Ethereum Basics.
  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 3: Ethereum Clients.
  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 4: Cryptography.
  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 5: Wallets.
  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 6: Transcations.

November 16

08. AntChain [Slides]


November 23

09. IPFS & Consensus [Slides]


November 30

10. Ethereum II [Slides]

  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 10: Token.
  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 12: Decentralized applications (DApp).
  • Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps. Charpter 13: The Ethereum Virtual Machine.

January 15

11. Project Presentations [Slides]


Course Grading

The grading scheme is as follows:

Course Projects

Course References

Course History